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Musings from a mediocre hacker

Learning to Solve basic Crackme's with Pwnable.kr

Throughout the journey I will reference multiple sources and people to gain a better understanding of binary exploitation and reverse engineering at large.

To begin my journey I will go through


I attempted http://microcorruption.com/ but with my current knowledge I can’t even begin to understand what’s going on. I would have to continue on the SLAE course and work more with disassemblers to read the assembly instructions and work with their debugger.

Onto pwnable.kr challenges, challenge 0x02 Bof, a buffer overflow challenge with the source code included to look at.

They initialize key as a variable, initialize a buffer of 32 bits for “overflow me”, prints that statement to console.

They then ask for inputs with gets

(which is a dangerous for memory error if implemented incorrectly, it just seeks input without verifying how much data will fit in the buffer)

Work in progress, continuing tomorrow